The Rohingya Genocide Archive (RGA) is a Rohingya-led initiative that systematically collects and preserves audiovisual documentation of atrocities against the Rohingya. It aims for the documentation to serve as evidence against military and government narratives, to corroborate other eyewitness accounts, and ultimately to be used in advocacy and legal settings to achieve accountability and justice for the Rohingya people. Currently, RGA engages with international stakeholders who it hopes can find, access, and analyse the collection for the purposes of expediting criminal proceedings under international law, and for advocacy purposes. RGA is also engages with Rohingya stakeholders to offer a trusted repository where their documentation can be preserved and used to further the Rohingya cause. In the long term, RGA envisions a future when Rohingya people can safely, voluntarily, and with dignity return to their homes in Rakhine state; when they can live their lives on their land in safety and freedom from persecution; when their have basic universal human rights, and their rights as full citizens restored. It is only with these fundamental rights and freedoms that the Rohingya people can achieve their full potential.


The Rohingya Genocide Archive (RGA) was established in 2018 through a partnership between Rohingya Vision TV, a leading Rohingya-led media organization, and WITNESS, an international human rights organization. It emerged in response to an urgent need to preserve first-hand documentation of atrocities perpetrated against Rohingya in Rakhine State, especially in the aftermath of the August 2017 “clearance operations” in which thousands of Rohingya were brutally massacred with impunity. RGA is staffed by a Rohingya archivist, who has expertise in the region and first-hand knowledge, and who has been trained in archival standards and practices by WITNESS. RGA’s archival workflows were designed with transparency and sustainability in lower-resourced environments in mind, relying entirely on free open-source software and hardware that can be easily obtained and managed. From the beginning, RGA has been strongly supported by Rohingya Vision TV and WITNESS, which have provided the archive with connections to key Rohingya documenters and international stakeholders, organizational support, consultation, as as well as office space and technical equipment.